
Monday, October 4, 2010

Tot School

This week's theme was the final week of our All About Me theme - "I can do it myself"

We worked on some self help skills - such as taking off and putting on her own clothes and helping with a few chores (putting away silverware and folding washcloths). We tried potty training, but she is not ready. I didn't take a lot of pictures this week.

I did get one picture of her "helping" me. She loves to put the silverware away. Although she takes forever and sometimes ends up playing with the already put away pieces.

After seeing this post at What I Live For I had to make my own Peek A Boo Blocks. I need a stronger glue for my curious girl (I used my hot glue gun) - she was able to take one apart. Luckily it was one that had a few blocks in it, not the one filled with popcorn! She had fun shaking and stacking them.

C's older cousin celebrated a birthday and she made him this card.  I gave her crayons that were the same colors as the foam stickers to decorate it first. The color matching was her idea :)

Tot School