
Sunday, March 27, 2011

Tot School

 When I saw this idea at The Activity Mom, I knew C would love it.  She enjoys numbers and stickers. She wanted to do more, so she did it again on the back.
 We rolled a ball to each other through a tunnel (We tried to include J, but she just wanted to crawl through it)
C loves mixing colors and is constantly asking me what color you get when you mix certain colors together. I knew she would love this, and I was right. I painted each of her hands a different color and then she rubbed them together to see what colors was made. We might do this again with other colors later. I saw this idea here, but have seen in on other blogs.

We did do this awhile ago but I wanted to try it again with her now that she has better fine motor skills. When she did it before, she just poked holes where ever she wanted, this time she had to poke holes on the letters of her name using a toothpick (I made dots on the lines where she was supposed to poke) I hung the letters in the window so she could see the sun light through the holes. Another Activity Mom activity 

 I made this "hungry green monster" using an empty elbow macaroni box. I took out the plastic window, turned it inside out, taped and glued it back together and painted it to look like a monster (I have tried painting boxes before and the paint would peel off). Both girls had to feed it. J fed it colored blocks (I said the color as she put it in the box). C fed it numbers from a puzzle (she had to say the number she was feeding him).

C wanted to do Tot School with Daddy, so he helped her play with some nuts, bolts and washers.

We made this jumping frog together,
find out how to make it at Book House Craft Projects

Tot School abc button No Time For Flash Cards

Monday, March 21, 2011

Quiet Box #4

 matching pon pom colors in an ice cube tray

 beans (painted pink with pig faces) dropped in a creamer container

 pig lacing card
 hair ties on the mallet of another toy

 abc magnets

 foam numbers, flat marbles and a counting sheet

 ice cream erasers and letters to trace

 I made these a long time ago, I made 1 set for every letter of the alphabet using a variety of colors. They are supposed to be double Popsicle sticks. On one side is the lower case letter on one and the upper case letter on the other. On the other side is a picture that starts with that letter on one and the upper case letter on the other. C really wanted to play with this when we came across it in my collection, so I decided to add it to her quiet box.

another one

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Tot School

 C helped me start some seeds.
C traced her left hand, I traced her right hand. Then I traced over the pencil line with a sharpie. I had pieces of paper with numbers 1-10 written on them. C put them in order and glued them over her fingers. She really liked this activity. I thought it would take us about 5 minutes and it ended up lasting about 45 minutes (she traced all the numbers and colored both hands) Idea found at House of Baby Piranha

 This activity didn't go as planned (idea found at The Chocolate Muffin Tree). Instead of having C do Tot School during J's nap (like we usually do), I thought maybe I could let them both paint at the same time. That wasn't really a good idea. C wanted a washcloth, so while I was getting that for her, J made a huge mess (picture below)  While I was cleaning J, C decided finger paint instead of using the blocks. Oh well :)

 I made this shamrock game to play on St. Patrick's Day (somewhat based on this idea I found at Along the Way) I made 2 blank shamrocks on the paper and told C that each of us got 1 of each color heart (made of contruction paper). I made a shamrock that C had to replicate. Eventually she started making one so I could make one that looked the same. I tried to have her make 2 that looked the same, but she lost interest after doing that once. 

 She glued shades of green paper on a shamrock

Now that J is 12 months, I plan on including her in some Tot School posts.  I have been trying to do more during my rare 1 on 1 times with her, usually is when C is doing a quiet box.

messy finger painting

I put tape on J and let her take it off (idea found at The Activity Mom)

Shaking seed packets

Tot Schoolabc button
No Time For Flash Cards

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Quiet Box #3

 Popsicle sticks through top of Mayo jar

Cut up straws on pipe cleaner

Frog matching (I found this at a garage sale and it is part of a 3 games in 1 set - I can't find anything about it online)

Felt letters
(there is a felt board near where she does her quiet time)

 Numbers puzzle

Dry white beans spray painted black on one side and a penguin face on the other.

combining puzzle and penguins

abc button