
Monday, December 5, 2011

Advent Chain Week 1

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is 3 years and 7 months

J is 21 months

December 1 -- We played the Collecting Snowballs game found at Making Learning Fun. We did the add and subtract version of the game.  (I altered the original so there would be more spaces for the cotton balls) Eventually we traded the cards for a die. When C rolled, she got to take away, when I rolled, I got to add.

To keep J occupied while we played the game i thought I would make her a simple version - putting the cotton balls on circles on a piece of paper.
This is what she thought of that idea

She saw me trace the circles, so that is what she wanted to do instead.
She is so different than C!!

December 2 -- I saw this idea for decorating a felt tree. But we didn't have enough green felt to make such a large tree and I didn't want to go out and buy more, so we just made a mini version instead :) They girls still had fun decorating the tree. When C was losing interest I had her follow directions (put a red circle ornament at the top, make a pattern at the bottom, etc)

December 3 -- We played the Same and Different Game, printable found here

December 4 -- C did the Color, Cut & Glue activity, found here

Here are a few other things we did this week.

Rudolph Rudolph felt story

And we did the Christmas puzzles

I know not every 3 year old would be able to do this activity, but C loved it. She is always drawing and  asks me how to draw certain things. So I decided to make a little following directions activity out of it. We worked one step at a time drawing each picture. She had to try and draw the same shape and use the same color. I was very impressed by what she did (my favorite is the Nativity Scene) If  you can't tell, my pictures are on the yellow paper - I am not much of an artist ;)

Tot School