
Monday, February 15, 2010

Tot School

Tot School

~C is 21 months~

This week we learned about the letter N

Coloring the Newspaper

Gluing Newspaper on the letter N

Cooking Noodles on the play stove

Nesting her stacking blocks
(She loves to do this and does it often)

We also worked on her Numbers puzzle
Looked for Noses in magazines
Played with her Necklaces

Valentine Activities
Sorting colored foam blocks into heart shaped baskets

Matching colors file folder

Matching hearts by size

Hand print hearts

Chicka Chicka Boom Boom
This is C's favorite book. I printed a tree and taped it to a cookie sheet (Sorry, I do not remember where I found the printable!) Because we read the book more than once a day and watch this video on You Tube all the time, she is starting to recognize more letters.

Check out 1+1+1=1 for more Tot School!


  1. I love all the N and Valentine activities :)

  2. I like your color hearts file folder game! We are starting to really work on colors and I think I'll use that! THANKS!

  3. Love your N activities and the Valentine handprint hearts. You had a great week!
