
Saturday, March 13, 2010

Tot School

Tot School
C is 22 months

 On March 1 we welcomed "J" to our family! She is such a good baby! And C is a great big sister!

This week J let us get some Tot School activities done because she sleeps so much.
Not sure if this will happen every week though!
It does look like we got a lot done, but some of these activities didn't last very long :)

This week we learned about the letter Q!

Painting the letter Q with Q Tips

I traced some cards and drew in the 4 shapes on the paper. Then gave C some Queens to match to the shapes.

Usually C is really good at matching, but for some reason she had difficulty with this at first.

I found various letter Q's in my collections and hid them in some crinkled paper
(the Q's are from - sandbox letters, felt letters, bathtub letters, fridge phonics and a foam alphabet puzzle)
She really enjoyed doing this

I gave C a container of Quarters to fit through the slot of the other container.

She enjoyed doing this and asked to do it a few times

We also did some observing of the quarters-
they had George Washington on one side, but most were different on the other side.
She thought that was pretty cool :)

Putting quarters on the letter Q.
She couldn't have cared less about this :)

Eat and make quesadillas, this is one food C will eat :)
We had quesadillas twice this week - one day it was cheese, the other was peanut butter and jelly.

I cut out fabric squares and C glued them on some paper to make a quilt.
This is about as far as she got before she started to paint the glue on her hand

C painted glue on 2 crown shapes and I sprinkled some glitter on them to make Queen crowns

She didn't really want to wear it, except when Daddy came home and she had to show him :)

I don't have pictures of these but we also...
Played with the new doll quilt Grandma her baby.
And we explored the I Spy Quilt my mom made me when I was a teacher

Check out 1+1+1=1 for more ideas

More Q ideas


  1. Cute, cute, cute! I love the crown on her picture.

  2. Congrats on baby J! Great Q week!!!! So many wonderful ideas!

  3. Congratulations on the new baby :-)! C looks so proud in the top picture! I like the q-tip painting!

  4. i like the q-tip painting... and so good because there are so few things that begin with Q!

  5. Congratulations on the new, sweet little one! I love the way you had C match playing cards by suit. What a fun idea!

  6. Such creative and fun ideas and activities especially with the letter Q. I love it!
