
Saturday, March 27, 2010

Tot School

Tot School
C is 22 months

This week I had planned on doing the letter S. But I didn't feel like (or have time to) plan anything. So I decided that we probably would take this week off. But soon discovered so many things we do begin with the letter S that we ended up have many Tot School moments :)

Sorting and matching Socks
(I gave her about 5 sets to match and after each match was made, she said she wanted to wear that pair to church - even though this was done on Tuesday)

Sock basketball
We did this after C was done doing one of her jobs (matching socks)
She would bring Chris's socks to him to fold together and my socks to me to fold together. Somehow we started playing this game. Then we ended up folding them into a ball shape for easier throwing. It was a big hit!

Sidewalk chalk

Enjoying the Spring weather while wearing Sunglasses

Shadows during a walk

Putting foam Shapes in the container


Other things we did that I did not get pictures of:

*C put star stickers on a letter S
(I have all the letters printed out already and have tons of stickers, so this was very little prep)

*During story time at the library they made Spider hats - similar to these

*Made Smoothies and drank them through a Straw

* Happened to watch Sesame Street when the letter of the day was S

*And because I was already painting her hand, she made a hand print Spider

To check out more Tot School check out 1+1+1=1


  1. Great S activities! And i love the pic of her with her sunglasses on :)

  2. What a wonderful big sister C is. Sophie likes to match socks as well.

  3. Dont you love it when the TV shows line up with the weekly theme? Fun week!

  4. I think incidental learning is often the best. Finding so many S things in your daily life make the connection more meaningful. Plus she's so darn cute in those sunglasses! Glad you had an opportunity to wear them.

  5. Super S activities! For a fun S book take a peek at this book post:

    You have a great blog- I now follow.

    Creative and Curious Kids!
