
Sunday, April 25, 2010

Tot School

Tot School

C is 23 months
This is her last week as a 1 year old!

This week we learned about the letter V
I thought I would introduce an eye dropper activity. I gave her colored water to transfer in to different sized Vases. She didn't really get it, she tried to use it like a spoon. So maybe will try this again in a few months.  She still thought it was neat when I did it though.

Wore her Vest (for a short time which was odd since she usually loves wearing it) while sipping a Very Berry Smoothie

I helped her find Vegetables in a seed catalog and I cut them out. We worked together to glue them on paper and I cut out the letter V shape.

We also :
Picked tulips to put in a Vase
Read many, many books. C & J were given some new books last weekend from my BIL's girlfriend as a gift and 2 happened to go along with the "V" theme. Violet's House and If I were a Giraffe (one page says "my ears would be Velvety"). We also checked out It's V! from the library. We also read The Very Hungry Caterpillar and the Very Busy Spider.

I realize now that we didn't do an art project to hang on her ABC project wall. Maybe we will do one like the 2nd idea on this site later this week

Earth Day
I helped her glue pieces of tissue paper on an old Danimals bottle to make a Vase. I put on a coat of Mod Podge to finish it. 

Later we went out to collect "flowers" to put in the vase.
She colored a coffee filter with blue and green markers. Then we took a water spray bottle and sprayed water on it and let the colors spread to make an Earth. I don't have a final picture of it.

Other Acitivities
Painted with watercolors
I found these foam numbers in my collection and she really wanted to play with them. She had fun naming them and sorting by either color or number.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Tot School

Tot School
~C is 23 months~

This week we learned about the letter U.

watched a helium filled balloon go Up (over and over again)

crawling Under a table

I showed her 3 cards and she told me which ones were Upside down

Matching raindrops to the Umbrella.
I made this when I taught preschool. I only gave a few for C to do at a time.

having fun with the paper Umbrellas :)

She colored the letter U blue and added things that belong Underwater and made a hand print Umbrella

Stood Under the Umbrella

I saw a cute idea to make an Uncle memory game, but never got around to making that.

Other Activities
C really enjoys doing puzzles and most she has are getting too easy for her to do.
She got this Abby puzzle for Christmas and I thought this would be a good time to start working on harder puzzles. First I took 1 piece off and asked her where it goes (here she is showing her baby doll the puzzle piece). I did this a few times with different pieces. Then I took off 2 pieces then 3. That is all we did this week for this puzzle and she really enjoyed putting it together this way. It wasn't too hard and didn't frustrate her. I will continue to take more pieces off until she can do the entire puzzle on her own :) She also got a Winnie the Pooh puzzle and will be getting a Dora puzzle for her birthday that are similar, and I plan on introducing those in the same way.
I finally got around to adding rice to her sensory tub and she really enjoyed playing with it this week.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Tot School

Tot School
C is 23 months!

This is 2 weeks  worth of activities

We learned about the letter T

toothpicks in styrofoam

toothpicks in an old cinnamon container

tossing tennis balls in a box 
(I won this giveaway from Mama to 3 Blessings and the diaper bag came in that box!! I love the bag too by the way!! I got the polka dot one)

Gluing triangles on the

marble painting - we made this into a tiger

I drew a tree and she painted the leaves

Transportation - I made this when I taught preschool - she matched the cars and roads by color

These are transportation foam beads from Oriental Trading that I ordered a few years ago. I did a search and they must not sell them anymore. We sorted by color, kind of transportation and by size (each type of transportation came in 3 sizes) She really enjoyed playing with them.

I don't have pictures but I also put small objects that begin with T in plastic eggs and hid them for C to find.

Seasonal Activities

I hid the letters of her name in eggs and she matched the letters to those on a card

"Toddler helping" me plant some seeds

Matching flower stickers

Another activity I made when I taught preschool.
We did this mostly as a color match, but had fun counting too.

Checking out the tulip that bloomed!