
Saturday, September 18, 2010

Tot School - My Family

This week our "theme" was Our Family.

 We worked together to make a family tree. I traced her arm and hand on brown paper and cut it out to make a tree. I printed pictures of our family, and C's grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins and great grandmothers. I then cut them out and glued them on green leaves. We glued the leaves and put them on C's tree. She loves this! It hangs above the table where she does some projects and eats snack. She especially loved pointing out Mommy, Daddy and Baby J :-)

We traced and cut out all of our hands (had to J's while she slept!). After I took this picture I added the names of who the hands belong to. C is pointing her own hand.

Pointing to the smallest hand.

Cute quote of the week:
"Daddy is the only boy in the house" when I asked her how many girls she said "a lot
I am sure to Daddy it feels that way ;-p

No picture, but we also sorted objects that are for babies,toddlers, mommies and daddies.

This week's homemade toy - I took a Parmesan cheese container and put a piece of paper (I chose green to match the lid) on the inside. Then I put a green pom pom (to match the other green) inside. When you tip it upside down the ball seems to disappear! C thought it was a neat magic trick :)
Although C did enjoy it, I think this would be a better for a younger toddler. C ended up just opening the top and kept taking the pom pom in and out. This is based on an idea I found in Toddlers Together, which I found at the library. (language to use as suggested by the book - see, hidden, inside, turn, look, peek-a-boo, tube, where, pompom)

We combined the Melissa & Doug clock and this Shape sorter cube. They have the same shapes and she matched them. She also sorted the shapes by color.

I had my camera on the wrong setting but I still like how this turned out :) C had lots of fun playing with the balloon the cashier at the grocery store gave her. She even learned that when you sit on balloons, they pop :(  Luckily it didn't scare her, we just got out another and continued the balloon fun.

Tot School


  1. What cute activities! I like the family theme :0)

  2. I love your balloon shot. It is wonderful when you catch pictures like that.

  3. What a fun family tree you made! What a great idea to have the pictures on there!

  4. What a great action shot with the balloon and I really like your family theme too! Thanks for sharing!

    Visiting you from Tot School! Have a great week!

  5. Balloons are sooo much fun!!! Looks like she had a great week.

  6. Great ideas! The hand print size order is adorable, and the hidden pom pom is a great idea for my baby girl. Thank you for sharing them!

  7. I love the handprints! Such a great visual way to show little ones differences and similarities. The tree is adorable too!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog!
