
Saturday, March 12, 2011

Tot School

I used LAWTEEDAH's printable found here to make rhyming magnets

I printed a coloring page of Boots and C made bananas for him using playdough. This day I told her to make 5 bananas. I thought about getting out some cards or a die so she could make a certain number of bananas, maybe we will try that another time.

She cut some paper into about a million pieces
(she even cleaned up every last piece!)

She played with water about 3 times this week. This day she poured water into the bowls and transfered water using a sponge.

She coloring a shamrock with various shades of green she sorted from her crayon box
Dot painted with Q tips to make shamrocks 
We revisited this math game, but used a shamrock shape I printed instead
(Activity Mom even came up with a few more ways to play this game)

Tot Schoolabc button
No Time For Flash Cards


  1. Great week! Love the qtip painting.


  2. I agree with the first two the q-tip painting! I'm really enjoying seeing all these bright, cheery, green crafts this week in the Tot School posts. Makes me really excited for spring! Thanks for sharing.

  3. Thanks for sharing at the For the Kids Friday Link Party at Sun Scholars! I look forward to having you back this Friday!

  4. I too love the Q-Tip painting! I might try that with my girls - I'm sure they'd enjoy it. Thanks for sharing

    Following from Link & Learn (No time for flashcards)


  5. Those shamrocks are neat. I love the idea of the rhyming cards. My 4 year old has just started being obsessed with rhyming words. We have done lots of verbal games but no hands on activities yet.
    Thanks for stopping by my blog. I am so glad I hopped on over. You have some great activities here. I am now following your blog.
