
Saturday, April 9, 2011

Tot School

C ~ 35 months
C had to build flowers like the cards
I made these using construction paper. I wish I had a flower shape cartridge in my Cricut, that would have been so much quicker! :)

I printed a variety of flowers in different colors in rows and then cut them into strips. C had to cut them out and sort, then glue to make flower gardens. She only did about 3 of the strips.

Sticking flowers in play dough - first in a ball on the table, then we put the ball of play dough back in the container and she stuck the flowers in again.

Sorting pentagons, hexagons and octagons.

 Painting with plastic eggs

 J ~ 13 months
Playing with pom poms and a muffin tin. She wasn't too into putting them in the tin, but she liked taking them out to put in that wooden tray.

Tot School abc button No Time For Flash Cards


  1. LOVE the flower building!! Great idea!


  2. Cute!!!!! Looks like a fun week! Stopping by from Tot School!

  3. I love how you did the shape sort! We'll have to try that soon.

    I'm a new follower ;)

  4. Great idea to have your daughter snip the strips and then sort the flowers! I'm going to do that with my 40 month old who needs lots of cutting practice.

  5. Love the flowers into the playdough idea- We are doing spring this week so I might use that if I don`t do another flower arranging activity!

    I also did pompoms with my son last week- he was really into putting them into a cup but not so much into scooping/transferring them with a spoon.

  6. Fun. We planted flowers this weekend so my son would probably enjoy these activities. I have a 35 month old and a 15 month old so I can't wait to read more of your stuff.

  7. I simply adore the flower building! You have lots of great ideas, and I love your blog. I am your newest follower and would love for you to come follow me, too!
