We came up with this idea today when we had both the magna doodle and the magnet letters out. C had fun spelling her name, simple words and just putting letters on the magna doodle!
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Friday, May 6, 2011
Quiet Box #5
Sort zip ties by size or color (found at Dollar Tree)
Felt Cupcake
Clothespins on a container
Tickets through a slot
foam stars - sort by color or make patterns
Foam animals
Magnet numbers
Gar-animals dominoes
bottle caps - sort by color and make patterns
(I made this for an Earth Day activity during my teaching days)
(I made this for an Earth Day activity during my teaching days)
Brown Bear, Brown Bear puzzles (found at 1+1+1=1)
DIY Sticker Activity Book
C has a hard time staying still and quiet during church. I think I finally found something that keeps her busy enough during her time in the pew (children only stay the first half of the service before they are dismissed for Children's Church) - a Sticker Activity Book! She loves stickers!!
All I used was a notebook, a pencil and those stickers C has in her collection.
Here are a few pictures of some of the pages. Some, you will see, she has worked on already...
There are several pages reserved for certain types of stickers...
A few of them are...food, animals, sparkly, numbers, letters, smiles, stickers with words, etc.
Outline small, medium and large circles with stickers
Put appropriate number of stickers in each circle or rectangle
Draw lines to matching butterflies
Sort stickers by color (there are 3 pages of this)
Put stickers over the certain shapes. This could also be done with letters or numbers.
Sorting stickers
Outline shapes
Sort by flowers, hearts and stars (she has tons of stickers of those shapes)
Sorting stickers by if they are found in the air, on the land or in the water
Fill in the missing letter and number
Grouping stickers together that are the same
I also have a page where she can outline the letters of her name with stickers.
So, those are just a few of the pages I have came up with for the book. Anyone have any other ideas?
How about (simple, cheap, quiet, small) ideas for keeping a 14 month occupied who has a very short attention span?