
Thursday, November 17, 2011

Advent Chain

Last year we made an Advent Chain and C liked it so much, we are doing it again this year.  Here are the activities that have been written on each link of the chain.

  1. Collecting Snowballs Game (Math)
  2. Felt Christmas Tree (Craft)
  3. Same and Different Game (Same/Different)
  4. Merry Christmas Color, Cut and Glue (Literacy)
  5. Sponge Paint Christmas Lights (Craft)
  6. Decorate Christmas Tree (1st idea in link) (Colors/Math)
  7. Christmas Do-a-Dot (Art)
  8. Decorate a Tree with Pom Poms Math Game (Math)
  9. Christmas Alphabet Book (Literacy)
  10. Christmas Bingo (Game)
  11. Salt Dough Ornament (Craft)
  12. Roll and Color Christmas Tree (Math/Colors)
  13. Color the Snowman (Colors/Shapes)
  14. Snowman Ornament (Craft)
  15. Christmas Action Game (Large Motor) 
  16. Reindeer (Craft)
  17. Color Christmas Lights (Math)
  18. Snowman Blocks (Craft/Building)
  19. Giant Ice Sun Catcher (Craft)
  20. Roll a Tree Game (Math)
  21. Hand print Santa (Craft)
  22. Christmas Stocking Lacing (Small Motor) 
  23. Christmas Tree Color Word Activity (Colors)
  24. Santa Candle Holders (Craft)
  25. Measuring -- Christmas Style (Math, haven't figured out what we will measure yet, maybe some sparkly pipe cleaners) 

Thanks to The Activity Mom for providing many of these ideas on her own list.
And to Pinterest




  1. We love making paper chains in our house too! They're such great fun (and provide great fine motor skill opportunities).
    Would you mind sharing this with my readers too?

  2. We make a paper chain every year too - so much fun & simple enough for little hands to do =-) And we too love adding lots of fun activities to our Christmas season =-) Welcome to TGIF! Have a great Thanksgiving & we'll look forwad to seeing you again next week,
    Beth =-)

  3. My parents and I used to make a paper chain every year on Thanksgiving to count down to Christmas, and last year we started the same tradition with our son. What a neat idea to incorporate the different advent activities into it...we have ours in a separate advent calendar. Thanks for sharing at Shine On Fridays!

  4. A few of your activities are featured on my Advent Activity Countdown. Thanks for being so generous and sharing your printables!

  5. One year I made an activity advent calendar But then I found the pressure of doing all those planned activities way too much to handle! LOL.

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