
Saturday, February 5, 2011

Simple Math Game

I posted this activity last year but since I really like this game, as did C, I thought I would repost it.

All you need is a heart glued onto a piece of paper and some pom poms (or cotton balls, or any other small object)
C stood above the heart and dropped 3 pom poms. She then counted how many landed on the heart and how many landed off of the heart. We even counted how many landed on the carpet when that happened. It is a great beginning math skill game! You can make it as easy or hard as you want. Plus, it can easily be used for any day use by using different shapes.

abc button


  1. Another great one! I'm going to post this and link up if you don't mind!

  2. Simple and fun. My son loves any activity with pom poms and throwing/dropping them. Thanks for this idea!

  3. That is adorable. Love this idea. I can see it being used in the Fall with a big leaf and acorns. Or right now in the winter white cotton balls could be used as snowball to be thrown at a snowman! So many different versions.
    Thanks for sharing.

  4. Great activity. We'll have to give it a try this week.

  5. Looks like a great way to learn counting!

    I featured this post on this week's High Five! - Be sure to check it out!

    Jamie @ hands on : as we grow

  6. Any idea that can disguise learning as something fun is GREAT!

  7. Please take a moment between now and the end of the party Monday night to visit a few of the other party guests. I would love to everyone who linked up to have other guests stop by for a visit.

    Remember if you visit two guests and leave me a comment that you did you could win a $15 Visa Gift Card.
