
Sunday, August 21, 2011

Same & Different - ABC version

When I was putting ideas together for the upcoming school year, I remembered this idea I saw at Activity Mom. I decided to make it a literacy activity by printing some letter cards.

I made 2 versions, upper and lowercase. click on links to download.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Matching Games

To make this matching activity, I cut circles from a cereal box and put stickers around them. I put matching stickers on the ends of craft sticks.

For another version I put different colored stickers to match colored craft sticks

Monday, August 1, 2011

Summer Update

I can't believe it is August already!

As you can see, we have taken much of the summer off.

The plan was to send C to preschool this fall, but they ended up canceling the program we signed her up for :( (we live in a small town with only 2 options for 3 year old preschool, the other option just isn't for us) We were very upset about it, but instead we will be doing preschool at home!! C doesn't seem to mind. When we do go by where she was going to go, she just says "I will go there when I am 4"

In a few weeks, I hope to start up tot school for J and preschool for C. I won't be doing anything formal, just a planned activity or two a day. When my plan is complete, I will post it here. I also hope to post some ideas from my teaching days as I go through all my stuff.

You may also notice a link below the banner for printables. You will find all the alphabet paths there. I have up to letter m complete. I am hoping to finish the rest before the new school year.

And I continue to find awesome ideas at pinterest. Check it out if you haven't yet!

I hope everyone enjoys their last few weeks of summer!