
Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Dice Games

C is is really into playing dice games (if you couldn't tell by the recent posts)

I made these 2 felt board games for her to play. You could also play the game with construction paper pieces or by drawing the different parts.

We play pretty much like the Cooties game, you have to roll a 1 before you can add the other pieces.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Advent Chain

Last year we made an Advent Chain and C liked it so much, we are doing it again this year.  Here are the activities that have been written on each link of the chain.

  1. Collecting Snowballs Game (Math)
  2. Felt Christmas Tree (Craft)
  3. Same and Different Game (Same/Different)
  4. Merry Christmas Color, Cut and Glue (Literacy)
  5. Sponge Paint Christmas Lights (Craft)
  6. Decorate Christmas Tree (1st idea in link) (Colors/Math)
  7. Christmas Do-a-Dot (Art)
  8. Decorate a Tree with Pom Poms Math Game (Math)
  9. Christmas Alphabet Book (Literacy)
  10. Christmas Bingo (Game)
  11. Salt Dough Ornament (Craft)
  12. Roll and Color Christmas Tree (Math/Colors)
  13. Color the Snowman (Colors/Shapes)
  14. Snowman Ornament (Craft)
  15. Christmas Action Game (Large Motor) 
  16. Reindeer (Craft)
  17. Color Christmas Lights (Math)
  18. Snowman Blocks (Craft/Building)
  19. Giant Ice Sun Catcher (Craft)
  20. Roll a Tree Game (Math)
  21. Hand print Santa (Craft)
  22. Christmas Stocking Lacing (Small Motor) 
  23. Christmas Tree Color Word Activity (Colors)
  24. Santa Candle Holders (Craft)
  25. Measuring -- Christmas Style (Math, haven't figured out what we will measure yet, maybe some sparkly pipe cleaners) 

Thanks to The Activity Mom for providing many of these ideas on her own list.
And to Pinterest



Friday, November 11, 2011

Roll & Color Turkey

What you need:
Roll the dice and color the number you roll using the color you roll. Continue until the picture is colored.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

November Plans

I apologize that the November plans are so late!!

Week 2
(November 7-11)
Monday -  Counting feathers
Wednesday - Tracing Activity (page 9 of download)
Thursday - Button Turkey
Friday - Turkey Color Bingo

Week 3
(November 14-18)
Monday -  Feather Addition
Tuesday - I Made a Little Turkey handprint
Week 4
(November 21-25)
Monday -  Roll a Turkey, and maybe do a Thanksgiving version of this
Tuesday - Turkey Puppet
Wednesday - Turkey Place Cards (C loves writing family names!)
Thursday - Happy Thanksgiving!!
If we have time & if C needs something to do Thanksgiving Meal project
Friday - Yarn on Sandpaper

Week 5
(November 28-30)
Monday -  Zig Zag Car Race
Wednesday - Do a few Letter Paths, C hasn't done them all yet
   (Thursday & Friday will begin our Advent activities, those plans coming soon)

For more Thanksgiving ideas, check out my board on Pinterest

Monday, November 7, 2011

Pinterest Challenge

 Last week I read about the Pinterest Challenge over at Young House Love. I may be a little late in linking up, but I thought I would still share some of the things I have made. All from inspirations I found on Pinterest.
Art Display Board
My Pin  Original Site

Fall Tree hand prints
Cereal Box Mail Holder
Super Hero Cape from a Tshirt
My Pin Original Site

Velcro Matching Rods
My Pin Original Site (The original post seems to not work, so the link is to the blog)

Also in the picture are the peg people. although I made those before Pinterest :)
But I pinned the idea anyway.

There are so many more I did, mostly recipe and educational related. I think I will just leave a comment on my pins when we try them :)

These are works in progress

The girls are in the process of making their own version of these frames for the grandparents for Christmas - they aren't finished painting yet, each girl will be adding a few more colors, then we will wrap the string around.

I made a wedding card for my sister in law & new brother in law based you on this wall hanging. I plan on making them a real wall hanging when I get around to it (I have everything ready, just haven't found the perfect frame yet) No picture of card.

How many ideas from Pinterest have you tried?