
Saturday, March 27, 2010

Tot School

Tot School
C is 22 months

This week I had planned on doing the letter S. But I didn't feel like (or have time to) plan anything. So I decided that we probably would take this week off. But soon discovered so many things we do begin with the letter S that we ended up have many Tot School moments :)

Sorting and matching Socks
(I gave her about 5 sets to match and after each match was made, she said she wanted to wear that pair to church - even though this was done on Tuesday)

Sock basketball
We did this after C was done doing one of her jobs (matching socks)
She would bring Chris's socks to him to fold together and my socks to me to fold together. Somehow we started playing this game. Then we ended up folding them into a ball shape for easier throwing. It was a big hit!

Sidewalk chalk

Enjoying the Spring weather while wearing Sunglasses

Shadows during a walk

Putting foam Shapes in the container


Other things we did that I did not get pictures of:

*C put star stickers on a letter S
(I have all the letters printed out already and have tons of stickers, so this was very little prep)

*During story time at the library they made Spider hats - similar to these

*Made Smoothies and drank them through a Straw

* Happened to watch Sesame Street when the letter of the day was S

*And because I was already painting her hand, she made a hand print Spider

To check out more Tot School check out 1+1+1=1

Friday, March 26, 2010

Handprint Cards

I love hand print crafts. And my toddler loves her to have her hands painted :)
So I take advantage of this to make homemade greeting cards for family members. 
Here are a few from the past few months.
  Hand print birthday cakes

Footprint ghost & palm print pumpkin cards

Hand print turkey cards

 Hand print Santa card

For Easter this year we made cards using the idea I found at Moments of Mommyhood
I put paint on her finger to make the nose and eyes. C made the smiles all by herself.

 And I made 2 of these cards for C's Grandma and Great Grandma who have birthdays next week.
It is incredibly hard to paint a 4 week old's hand :)

abc button

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Tot School

Tot School
C is 22 Months

I definitely could not have done this week's activities without the help of my sister who spent most of her Spring Break with us. Little Miss J has decided she doesn't like the Moby wrap anymore, so my hands weren't always free.

It also looks like we did way more than we actually got accomplished. And I had way more planned that we never got to.

This week we learned about the Letter R - I was going to focus on rainbows (and the colors in the rainbow) and rabbits. This is what I got to...

I got out the mini pony tail holder for C to sort on her fingers. 
and on her toes :)

We tried to find all the red toys we could and put them in her tub

She wanted to play with all the sandbox letters
(I was going to put these in some rice, but we didn't have any rice and I never made it to the store)
Painted using a cookie cutter letter R using rainbow colors

Put rainbow and rabbit stickers on the letter R

played the heads and tails matching game from the Brown Bear Tot Pack

I colored a rainbow and put a piece of clear contact paper, sticky side up, over the top. C had to put tissue paper that matched the colors. She did the red mostly by herself, but I helped with the rest. 
It is displayed in our kitchen window where C has a perfect view of it from her high chair. She says all the colors while she eats :)

A favorite from this week was working on the round puzzles
(i got them at a garage sale for 25 cents a few years ago!) 

check out 1+1+1=1 for more Tot School!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Tot School

Tot School
C is 22 months

 On March 1 we welcomed "J" to our family! She is such a good baby! And C is a great big sister!

This week J let us get some Tot School activities done because she sleeps so much.
Not sure if this will happen every week though!
It does look like we got a lot done, but some of these activities didn't last very long :)

This week we learned about the letter Q!

Painting the letter Q with Q Tips

I traced some cards and drew in the 4 shapes on the paper. Then gave C some Queens to match to the shapes.

Usually C is really good at matching, but for some reason she had difficulty with this at first.

I found various letter Q's in my collections and hid them in some crinkled paper
(the Q's are from - sandbox letters, felt letters, bathtub letters, fridge phonics and a foam alphabet puzzle)
She really enjoyed doing this

I gave C a container of Quarters to fit through the slot of the other container.

She enjoyed doing this and asked to do it a few times

We also did some observing of the quarters-
they had George Washington on one side, but most were different on the other side.
She thought that was pretty cool :)

Putting quarters on the letter Q.
She couldn't have cared less about this :)

Eat and make quesadillas, this is one food C will eat :)
We had quesadillas twice this week - one day it was cheese, the other was peanut butter and jelly.

I cut out fabric squares and C glued them on some paper to make a quilt.
This is about as far as she got before she started to paint the glue on her hand

C painted glue on 2 crown shapes and I sprinkled some glitter on them to make Queen crowns

She didn't really want to wear it, except when Daddy came home and she had to show him :)

I don't have pictures of these but we also...
Played with the new doll quilt Grandma her baby.
And we explored the I Spy Quilt my mom made me when I was a teacher

Check out 1+1+1=1 for more ideas

More Q ideas